Yet more random CBB observations.

It looks like Jade Goody’s new career is in full time round-the-clock crying. I’m wondering just how much one person can cry. Won’t she dehydrate, turn into dust and blow away soon?

If Living TV persists in giving her programmes you can expect the ’Jade goes into Anger Management’ reality show, followed by the ‘Jade takes a trip to India and other countries to learn about their cultures’ reality show. Please spare us.

Last Friday’s pre-eviction night show was so stage managed as to be painful - all parties briefed and told to make up…. Danielle apologising to Shilpa for something that she could never have overheard anyway. An open apology from Jade for anything that might be seen as being racist - but not I notice for the bullying -nor any apology for her over the top screaming ranting frothing rage about chicken oxo cubes. Totally fake pally-pally hugging and pairing up to declare how the air has been cleared between them… (Pass me the sick bucket.)

Then there’s CBB itself - it’s hard not to ignore the monumental arrogance of the programme makers now…
Last year’s programme was the first show of their growing hubris - with them playing their first trick on the legitimate has-beens celebrities with Chantelle. This was having a double edged joke - one poking fun that even the old lags can’t keep track of who and who isn’t famous anymore - and the turn-over these days is so quick it’s hard for anyone who doesn’t work for the press to keep track. The second part was CBB saying - “we have all the power now - it’s us that make the celebrities” and that’s just what they did. They made a celebrity out of a unknown no-talent girl. A Cinderella story for the plebs to lap up.

Drunk on that success - they upped the ante this year. Bringing in Jade - the woman who they made into reality show celebrity and her tacky family and make them into royalty while making the genuine celebs play their servants. It back-fired. Heavily. Somewhere along the line the power went to Jade’s head and over-loaded her already quite delicate grasp on reality. Boom.

Now Endemol have blown it for themselves - that one storyline has dominated everything and from now on all else is going to be a bit of an anti-climax - it’s going to be a long slow boring final week in the CBB house.

Shilpa may well win - although it will be out of a sympathy vote more than anything else. I still want Cleo to win - well, because I see CBB as a rehabilitation course for faded old artistes who need a big of a kick-start to their careers.

Meanwhile he's another interesting article about the future of Channel 4 in the Guardian:
Duncan's darkest hour.

*Sigh* I remember the early days of Channel 4 when it was genuinely brave and innovative...

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