Eggy Rebel, Rebel

So Rakka posts a a great picture of a painted egg she'd made of Bender.

So I make a comment about 'going to work on an egg' which means I look up the phrase and find out Tony Hancock did the first series of TV adverts for eggs - which coincidently had their anniversary last year - and they wanted to reshow some of the ads on TV - but weren't allowed to. And it being Tony Hancock I remembered him being in one of my all time favourite films - 'the Rebel' and that a while back a group of artists had recreated a few of Hancock's artworks from the film, and the irony is that a lot of them were far, far better than the artwork of the 'real' artist in the story in the movie. God those artworks were so bland and insipid. (You really have to see the movie to know what I'm talking about.) And anyway - I wanted a place to put all these bookmarks for myself. So this is how this blog entry came to be...

So there it is.

1 comment:

r4kk4 said...

i'm so glad my egg reminded you of that movie 'cause now i can try to track it down and watch it! it sounds really good!