comment forums like this depress me to hell

As does the vast stupidity and small minded mean-spirited of some of the people who take the time to spew their ill-formed poisonous all over the web.

such as

"...With the exception of people who seem able to haul their six kids along to a benefits office and emerge with the keys to a four bedroom detatched worth a half million..."

{because yeah, that happens all the time...]

"I'm referring to the idle, the feckless, the selfish and to anyone who stands with his hand out and a sullen expression.

Your money should be taken away and you should be given food coupons. Why should you be able to get Sky, cars, plasma TVs, cigarettes, alcohol etc on MY taxes? You may feel aggrieved and let down, but frankly, your feelings are nothing to the levels of resentment and contempt that million of us taxpayers hold you.

YOU are the problem."

BBC - Have Your Say: Will reform move people from welfare into work?

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