The Flickrization of Yahoo.

Um. I don't know. Somehow the whole 'new' social-networking yahoo thing leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. I mean, this crude plan of getting everyone using Yahoo to do lots of tedious menial work tagging and categorising everything they come across on the web - for... for... well, actually at the end of the day yahoo’s benefit -all to make Yahoo get seen as the right sort of place to put adverts in and that in turn the advertisers will plough a lot of money into. But er... um... are those two things even compatible? In some cases aren’t they inevitably going to turn into diametrically opposed things clashing altogether? It's not as if I haven't seen Yahoo destroy something that was really good -such as e-groups - then turn it into their own Yahoo-groups and over time systematically ruin pretty much everything that was really cool about the original -only to leave a crappy shadow of it. Does Yahoo even know how to learn from it's own mistakes (if it can then why not prove it by putting e-groups back to what it was?) Really -it’s a known trait that in America when corporate advertisers call the tune - hey, watch everyone leap up to dance, and anyone who didn't get up in time gets trampled into the dust. It's not healthy.

It's very apparent that Yahoo at the moment is very intent on buying up everything they can which encapsulates the social networking ethos but -will they prove capable of letting the geese which lay the golden eggs alone and happy and content enough to keep on laying those eggs? I guess only time will tell. But I wouldn’t ever advise anyone to put all their eggs into one basket - golden or not.

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