
From seeing a few arty black and white grainy photos by Violentz on flickr -I was reminded of PixelVision movies.

Here's a few of the links I found.

Wikipedia entry.

PixelVision mod: DIY: output baseband video from PXL2k

Pixel page.

Here's some stuff about one of the PixelVisions most famous users:
Sadie Benning.

A sense of cinema essay

Behind the mask.

So I'm wondering now - with the advent of cheap digital cameras most of which now come with a built-in movie function, and Woolworths had a cheap digital movie cam being sold for £50, oh and of course phone cams - if we'll soon see quite a few people making their own little arty films with these devices? Especially with the internet and the growth of movie sites like google video - youtube - etc.

Or am I going to have to do it?

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