the railways in England...

...not quite ready for the internet age just yet.

Just been trying to book some train tickets for tomorrow. Groan. It's an exercise in frustration and heartbreak. First off - all the sites are difficult to navigate. Then they insist on you creating a user account (untick all the 'would you like us to spam you to death' boxes). Choose timetable - no, I do NOT want to travel all the way into London and out again thank you very much. That's taking two steps back to start going forward. Lame-ass. (The UK has this weird rail system that assumes anyone only ever wants to travel *into* London. Probably why that City is so stupidly over-crowded is that once people have travelled there they can't ever find a way of getting out again.) Choose ticket. Oh. Why can't I just have a cheap return - what are all these other options that are so phonemonally expensive that you'll need to take out a second mortgage to be able to afford? Why is it cheaper to buy a whole series of single tickets to get somewhere -even when you end up sitting on the exact same train - than it is to buy a bog standard return? This is insane. Thank you privatised railway system - you've made all our lives so much better and less complicated. Right buy ticket... oh hang on. I can only designate a set Station to pick my tickets up from ... but my station isn't on the list. There isn't even a station near me on the list I can use? Why can't I just book, pay for and pick up my tickets at my local station? No reason. Just can't. Only other option. Same day delivery. Why does it cost £10? That's extortionate! I'm led to believe Tesco only charge you a fiver to deliver a whole mass of grocies - how heavy is a few cards? Oh wait... type in my Postcode. Turns out they don't deliver in my postal area anyway. That was a good hour of my life totally wasted. Why wasn't it somewhere on the front page that I might be totally unable to buy tickets online?


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