Movio makes mockery of mobile TV

Oh hum.
Has DRM heh? It cripples everything.

Crave Talk: Movio makes mockery of mobile TV - Crave at

I've been having vague notions floating around my head recently about how the 'power of the people' on the internets is providing -for free -what people really want. For example - the bit torrents providing access to old nearly forgotten tv programs that the entertainment industry can't be asked to put out on tv, or finds too expensive to put out on DVD, or else when it does vastly over-charges for it. Then wonders why so few people end up buying it and then wrongly conclude it isn't worth their while because they're not selling enough.

(Here's an idea: when it comes to old tv programs and old ancient films why not team up with the newspapers and magazines and give them away as cover discs? That could be quite cool.)

The same for obscure music and ooh yeah - time shifting to catchup on those TV programmes you can manage to miss when you haven't got TiVo or Sky+

I know 4OD and the forthcoming BBCi player is a step in the right direction but still... th DRM and the wanting money for every last little thing.

I've have to revisit this idea later. I'm too tired to write any more at the moment...

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