BBC NEWS | UK | Golden Compass author hits back

The author of the book on which the new film The Golden Compass is based has hit back at critics who accuse him of peddling "candy-coated atheism".

Well - I guess if you're the sort of person who goes around believing a particular set of ancient fantasy stories are true - then it stands to reason you're going to be upset about other fantasy stories -whether new or ancient - because you might get them all confused. So of course it's a good idea as far as you're concerned to campaign against all other fantasy stories just in case you or anyone else gets them all mixed up. Certainly the very idea that anyone be allowed to think for themselves and be left to make their own minds up - is never a option.

1 comment:

Pete Ashton said...

This is my favourite bit:

"In the book - set in an imaginary world"

Because so much fiction is really just isn't, um, fiction. Ow, my head hurts...