How should Gordon Brown get the jobless back to work? - Telegraph

I love these comments - here you can see how the mind (I use the term loosely) of your typical Daily Telegraph reader works. I'm sorry to report that many of these thoughts don't stray too so far off from ideas first propagated by those oh - so enlightened souls (cough) in the German Nazi party...

How should Gordon Brown get the jobless back to work? - Telegraph coments

Just a couple of things I'd like to draw attention to - like how many MPs and county councilors claim quite unjustifiably high expenses*, and how many very wealthy landowners get EU subsides and UK taxpayers money for their farm land... and well, that's the just tip of the iceberg as far as tax-payers money is routinely wasted and/or mis-directed into the pockets of the already very wealthy. Yet who gets demonised the most? Oh yeah ... the poor get *all* the blame. [sarcasm] Of course it's so absolutely *their* fault by going around being poor the whole time - the bastards. They should stop being poor right this very second and then they'd be no problem - how dare they - The selfish bastards.

Aside from the warped and weird fantasy worlds the typical MP and the Daily Telegraph readers live in - when are we ever going to wake up to the plain stark fact that there are far more people in this country than there are actual jobs? And that it would help enormously if the working hours people do work were strictly curtailed, and a proper minimum wage put in place. Surely any business that can't afford to pay it's workers a decent living wage has no (cough) business being in business. Having the Government subsidize them in the form of tax credits etc. Only makes things worse.

and far more importantly - above all this - that it's actually NONE of the Governments business interfering in these matters. Especially since ALL Governments Tory or Labour - or whatever, only ever manage to mess everything up whenever they try. And why should that be? - it's because they always try to apply absurdly simplistic formulas to what are very complicated social trends. [this should come as no surprise given how breathtakingly stupid and totally clueless most MPs are - considering that they live from poll to poll, sound bite to sound bite, pandering to whatever they assume the likes of Daily Telegraph/Sun/Times reader are thinking - all for the sake of garnering a few more votes for themselves come the next election).

Families due tax credit refund, say Tories.

Does an extra 17p an hour offer anything except more hardship?

* MP rents second home in London due to flashers on train.

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