Credit card crunch time

Channel 4 prog on the oncoming credit card crunch. Boo-fucking-hoo.

A suggestion: Can the general public just possibly try to stop being so damn droolingly moronically sheepishly stupid for a moment. It's a plain fact you don't have to spend umpteen times your annual income to have a 'merry Christmas'. So just stop it. Tell the retailers to fuck off - simply stop spending money on utter crap. Only buy the things you need - not what you think you should have - and not what you think you deserve, certainly not what you think will make you happy. You'll find that Shops and manufacturers will soon start bringing their prices down once they find they can't rip off people as readily as they've been able to do recently.

Bizarre that it's only just started to start to dawn on people that buying things on credit is a dumb thing to do. All banks aren't ever your friend - they don't have your best interests at heart - you're just a cash cow to them... they want your money and they'll scheme and lie and connive to extract as much of it out of you as they can - and when they've squeezed out every last penny they can they'll throw your broken dried out husk aside (usually onto the debt collection agencies) and move onto their next victim.

My prediction for this year - there'll be report after report that the sales figures in the run up to Christmas will be the worst ever on record and retailers will be openly crying in the streets pretending they're facing ruin - but about five minutes later they'll be reports that the January sales will be the best ever... and so the retailers will be dancing for joy in the streets. Oh, and more people will have done their shopping on line than before. I make these predictions knowing that this has been the same 'news' year in year out for ...ever since I can remember. I'm only surprised that the media can manage to pass this off as news while maintaining a straight face.

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