Doctor Who

In watching past episodes of classic Doctor Who I’ve long realised that there’s something I miss about this current incarnation. I really miss the fantastical costumes. I lament the loss of the ‘future fashions’. Yes, I know they now look very silly to modern eyes. But I think it says something about the times we’re living through (a period I dub - the ‘Beige Decade‘ where insipid blandness is being seen as supreme ‘good taste‘) that one of the most supposedly imaginative fantasy shows on TV at the moment can only envision people of the far-flung future and living on distant planets as wearing modern day business suits.

I find that profoundly depressing - I can’t help feeling that it’s as if collectively we’ve given up on the future. That we only cope with what’s going on around us now and are much too happy to wallow in the imagined glory days of the past. (Just think of the plague of reality shows and period dramas - which has been infesting mainstream airtime for so long now.)

I can only hope this is just a temporary blip restricted to this generation and will pass soon and once more people will be dreaming up impossible futures and outrageous clothing again.

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