Victor Keegan: Corporate dinosaurs kill sites - in a Flickr

Oh look, yet another person who's got the wrong end of the stick...

I've noticed this again and again - those who object most to videos on flickr are those that seem to think flickr is gearing up to challenge youtube. Dur. No it isn't. I've never seen it but apparently there's a whole yahoo videos section - now that's
trying to compete with youtube. (except for to be the 'yellow pages' directory of the web - way back at it's start up I don't think Yahoo has ever had an original idea of it's own - ever since it's just either just copied whatever everyone else was doing (ie. webmail - trying to be a 'portal') or else bought a original innovative company up (and historically manage to trash whatever they touched - Geocities, egroups - etc. and does anyone even use widgets? Aren't they just well, naff?)

Consquently it wouldn't bother me in the least if Microsoft were to buy up Yahoo! - they're both so clueless and deeply uncool and such bad copyists - they pretty much deserve each other.

Victor Keegan: Corporate dinosaurs kill sites - in a Flickr | Technology | The Guardian

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