What's a 'Trapper Keeper'?

I'm re-watching that old Southpark episode...

Trapper Keeper: Mead's Answer to the Swiss Army Knife.

wikipedia entry.

Official site.

We don't have them in the UK - of course now, it being stationery - I think I want one.


Schmancy Gallery said...

good luck in finding one! i haven't seen trapper keepers since the late '80s.

mine was green and had a horse on it. hahah!

leff said...

all american kids of a certain age had trapper keepers. you simply couldn't show up to school with out one. There were guards.

Ok. not really. But you were considered uncool if the picture on your tk didn't express your personality.

r4kk4 said...

oops!! schmancy gallery is me, rakka! i was logged into my work account when i posted that comment. so, uh, the views expressed in the schmancy gallery comment may not reflect those of the store/gallery....

Groc said...

I was wondering why on earth the Schmancy gallery was leaving a comment...